Implant Dentistry

Dental Implants Charleston SC

Implant Dentistry

Implant Dentistry in Charleston, SC

Cosmetic Restorations for Missing Teeth

If you have broken or missing teeth, you may wish to consider dental implants from Drs. Vicki Tatum and Celeste Granger.

At Tatum Dentistry, we are full service dentists providing dental implant services. Whether your missing tooth is the result of periodontitis, tooth decay or an injury, Tatum Dentistry can help restore your smile with a beautiful new dental implant that looks and functions just like a real tooth.

Significantly stronger than bridges or dentures, a dental implant offers a single and permanent solution to a lost tooth.

If you’re interested in discovering if you’re a good candidate for dental implants, simply schedule a consultation and we will explain what options are available for you!

Tatum Dentistry offers multiple implant options:

All-on-4 Dental Implants

Single Tooth or Multiple Tooth Implants

Removable Implant Supported Overdentures

Learn More About All-On-4-Dental Implants

Dr. Vicki Tatum speaks with one of her All-on-4 Dental Implant patients.

All-on-4 Dental Implants

The All-on-4 Dental Implant procedure uses four implants, with the back implants angulated to take maximum advantage of existing bone. Special implants also were developed that could support the immediate fitting of replacement teeth.

This treatment is attractive to those with dentures or in need of full upper and/or lower restorations.

Qualified patients receive a fixed, non- removable beautiful set of teeth! An All-on-4 provides maximum support, beauty, and function!

Removable Implant Supported Overdentures

At Tatum Dentistry, we provide three different options for Removable Implant Supported Overdentures:

Removable 2 Implant Supported Overdenture

The two-implant overdenture is the most economical route to enjoy benefits of implant dentures. The preferred method is to use this option only for the lower jaw. With minimal hardware involved, it has simple repairs and low maintenance costs.

These attachments are similar to buttons on a coat. However, depending on the locator used we can control the amount of force by which the denture is held in place. The patient who chooses the two-implant locator denture must be aware that some movement is still to be expected in the denture.

The retention is compared to having the best denture adhesive on the market, holding the denture in place at all times. In some European countries this option has become the minimal standard of care for someone who has lost all their lower teeth.

Removable 4 Implant Supported Overdenture

The use of four implants allows for very strong stability in all directions, yet the minimal hardware involved allows for less expense than other implant denture options. With the use of four locator attachments connected to implants, patients find the denture extremely retentive.

Again, maintenance cost of this denture is minimal. In addition, implants are very accessible for the patient, making hygiene very simple.

Removable 4 Implant Bar Supported Overdenture

The removable bar overdenture provides the benefits of cross arch stabilization of implants. This means that the forces of chewing are shared amongst all the implants together, rather than each implant alone. This reduces the changes of implant failure due to overload or extreme forces.

The retention in this type of case is expected to be slightly stronger than the four implant supported denture and chewing forces are nearly as strong as natural teeth. This type of restoration requires more effort in implant hygiene with cleaning under the implant bar.

There is more expense in fabrication due to greater hardware and lab support involved. A number of attachments can be used on bar. There are a number of systems Dr. Tatum and Dr. Granger have used that make quality overdenture systems; however, they have found some make regular dental maintenance easier than others, and consequently, a lower cost down the road for the patient.

Why live with ill-fitting dentures any longer? Restore confidence in your smile today! Schedule your Implant Consultation today with financing through CareCredit with options as low as $95/month for those who qualify.